Thursday, April 2, 2020

On My Walk - Bldg. 61

This is Bldg 61 where I first noticed orchids on trees a couple of years ago.  They have many
more flowers besides orchids.  These are  Jasmine Trees, loaded with blossoms and
giving off a delicate aroma.

Jasmine Flowers Close-up

This is a Brunfelsia tree, which was planted just last year.  It is commonly known as the
"Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow" Tree.    It is also known as the Brazilian Rain Tree.
When the flowers first open, they are deep purple.  Two days later they fade to pale lavender
and two days later they become pure white.

"Brunfelsia" close-up showing various colors for various stages/ages of the flowers.
It also has a light sweet aroma.

"Brunfelsia" sends forth the flowers before the leaves are fully developed.

They also have two beautiful bushes of "Gardenias," cousins of the "Jasmine."
They last only one day in full beauty and then begin to fade.  Here is a velvety white
example which has just opened.


A third Gardenia.

"Carnival in Rio" Ground-Orchid.  True orchids do not grow in soil; they absorb moisture
from the air.

"Imperial Knight" purple ground orchid.

"Snow White" was actually the first and oldest of all the orchids to bloom this year.
This branch put out two flowers on January 31, and they are still blooming.
I was amazed.

"Orange and Raspberry" is a spicy orchid.

"Maude" is a very delicate light lavender orchid.

"Martha" is a prolific bloomer.

"Carmencita" Orchid

"Angelique" is actually a small orchid, about half the size of the others.

Beautiful begonia bushes line the entrance.

Pale Pink and Deep Rose Vinca/Periwinkle flowers make a nice border.
The big plant is a crinum lily.

White, Deep Purple, and Red Periwinkle.

Another variety of Variegated Agave

My latest discoveries were ten beautiful, prolific orchids on two trees outside Bldg. 11,
which is on my Northern Itinerary.  These are two varieties of white Phalaenopsis.

"Allyson" on left and "Hermoine" with a touch of lavender on right.

A large cluster of "Allyson"

"Hermoine" with just a blush of lavender

The "Scarlet Pimpernel" is a rather strange looking orchid.

"The Scarlet Pimpernel."  The photo was taken during sunset.

"Lady Godiva" is a striking white, purple, and orange orchid

"Blood Orange Pinstripes" were all over one tree

"A Taste of Madeira"  peeked from behind.

"Peachy Keen" has one of the most gorgeous colors; it is both delicate and
vibrant, and it bloomed prolifically.  I love it.  This was also photographed
as the sun set.

"Tropical Fire" Canna.  I now go walking in the evening, through the golf course outside
my condo.  I was coming home about 7:30 last night and the sun was setting and lit up
these hundreds of cannas along one of the water channels on the golf course.

"Tropical Fire Cannas"

"King Konahu" Frangipani

I like this composition with "Blood Orange Pinstripe Orchids."



  1. This is an absolutely beautiful virtual garden. What a wonderful walk John you
    are very lucky to see such amazing flowering trees and orchids. Thank you for sharing.

  2. It's my birthday today so thanks for the lovely flowers

    1. You're welcome! Happy Birthday! Who are you?
