Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Chrysanthemum Festival 2018 II

This was one of my favorite corners:  "Yellow Vesuvios" and  "Orange Zaryha Spider Mums."

The North Aisle with "Zaryha Spider Mums" and "Yellow Vesuvios."

The West Aisle with "Zaryha Spider Mums," "Kokka Bunmi" purple mums, and low "Kermit"
chartreuse pompon mums, trees of white mums.

"Yellow Vesuvio" and "Zaryha Spider Mums."

"Zaryha" - yellow, orange, copper, and lavender spider mums

"Zaryha Spider Mum"

"Zaryha" and "Yellow Vesuvio" around a tree


The West Side of Main Conservatory

Chrysanthemums can be trained to grow in many shapes; this shield form is a single
plant held up on a metal rack.  In the background are "Red Wing" mums.

"Red Wing Spoon Mums"

"Kokka Bunmi" purple mums and chartreuse "Kermit" pompon mums.

"Kokka Bunmi" purple irregular incurve mum.
There are 13 cultivars / varieties of exotic mums recognized by the American
Chrysanthemum Society.  Longwood has all of them within the 200+ different cultivars it
possesses in many colors.

"Kokka Bunmi" - lavender lined with deep purple

Bed of "Kokka Bunmi" mums

"Yellow Vesuvio Mums"

"Norton Vic" purple decorative mums

Bed of "Norton Vic Mums"

"Norton Vic Decorative Mum" - lavender lined with purple

"Red Wing Spoon Mums"

The "Acacia Passage" leading to Orchid House.  Delicate Cinnamon Acacia vines are
trained up the walls and across the ceiling.  They emit a faint cinnamon aroma.
The sides are lined with pots of "Vienna Waltz Spider Mums."

Purple "Vienna Waltz" Spider Mums
There were more spider mums on display this year than ever before; I loved them.
The plants at the bottom are "Lemon Surprise Draecena."

"Vienna Waltz Spider Mum" - on an overcast day

"Vienna Waltz Spider Mum."  The deep rich color changes on bright sunny days and
evenly lighted overcast days.  I experienced both.  This is sunny.

The "Fern Passage" contains examples of all 13 cultivars recognized by the American
Chrysanthemum Society.  This is "Woolmen's Century," a white irregular incurve mum.

"Orange Symbol Chrysanthemum"

"Orange Symbol Chrysanthemums"

"Fireflash Decorative Mum"

"Fred Mudd  Regular Incurve Chrysanthemum"

"Kermit Pompon Chrysanthemums"


"Orange Synchro Chrysanthemum"

"Fortune Pink Single Chrysanthemum"

"Edo 8" - an exotic irregular mum.

"Yellow Thistle Mums" - tiny little things

Longwood  has the largest collection of exotic chrysanthemums in the world outside Japan.
They include everything from these tiny bonsai trees up to plants ten feet high.

A pink bonsai chrysanthemum tree.

A white bonsai chrysanthemum tree.  This is a single plant, rooted on right.

They also have plenty of extra plants in case any one droops or fails.  This is a whole
greenhouse full of "extras."  You never see a display in the conservatories with anything
less than perfect flowers.  They are replaced at once.

A bunch of extras in the potting shed, which is open to the public.


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