Tuesday, August 18, 2020



Ixoras are one of the most common and hardy flowering shrubs in S. Florida.
They come in many different colors; they can be pruned and shaped quite easily;
and they come in all sizes from one foot high plants to four foot high hedges.
The flowers are massed in balls; the plants are hardy and drought resistant.
Most of these pictures were taken on my morning walks.

There are many shades of orange; this is "Margery," a red orange variety.
They bloom continuously, all year long.

"Sunkist Orange" Ixora.  In some varieties, the flower petals are
rounded, whereas in others they are pointed.

A house with hedge of red ixora; they are very attractive and inexpensive.

"Red Holly" Ixora.  Some varieties, like this one, are completely covered in flowers.

"Pretty Pumpkin" Orange Ixora

"Lemon Chiffon" pale yellow ixora

"Orange Star" Ixora

There are many varieties of pink ixora; every condo has a hedge of them in front.

"Alexia" pink and rose ixora.

"Dainty Lady" Pink Ixora

"Up and Away" Pink Ixora.  Notice the long, thin, separated petals on the flowers.

"Pink Princess" Ixora

A dense hedge of "Up and Away" Pink Ixora

"Pink Starlet" Ixora

A tight ball of "Pink Jewels" Ixora

Soft Pink "Mademoiselle"

"Pink Fireworks" Ixora

"Hedy" Red Ixora with Pointed Petals

Two balls of "Mlle Nitouche" Red Ixora

"Shady Lady" Red Ixora

"Firebrand" Red Ixora

"Blanche" Ixora

They have also developed some flowers which have blossoms of two colors,
usually yellow and orange.  "Jessie" is a pale variety of ixora.

"Jezebel" is a much more vibrant bi-color ixora.

A beautiful ball of "Jessie" Bi-color Ixora

This is another "Jessie," but in a different light and the colors show better.

"The Virgin" Snow White Ixora
It took them a while to develop the pure white; creamy colors were around for years.

"White Crown" Ixora

"The Canary Sings" Yellow Ixora

"Buttered Popcorn" has a little orange in it.

"Yellow Star" Ixora.  Notice the pointed petals.

"Yellow Delight" Clusters of Ixora

"Soft Evening Glow" Ixora

"Golden Spice" Ixora

Orbs of pale orange and yellow ixora



  1. Gorgeous! Thanks for the virtual tour. Melissa

  2. What is the proper way to care for these?
